What Is ICT? Innovation & Trends - NETIO Technologies trends
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What Is ICT? Innovation & Trends

What Is ICT? Innovation & Trends

What Is ICT? Innovation & Trends

Information and communications technology(ICT) is a term to describe general-purpose technology (GPT), which includes the role of unified communications and integrations of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals). It’s also the fundamental technology for the latest trends, such as IoT, 5G, Industry 4.0, IIoT, and AIoT. Besides the key technologies in IT and telecom, the structure for ICT also covers computers, software, middleware, storage, and audiovisual. So users are available to access, store, transmit and use the information.


Digitalization is the mindset that made the blooming of ICT industry and led to wide-ranging economic changes in recent decades. The value chain has transformed the process of production and trade of goods & services. The most obvious development is the disruption in consumer economic activity, social life, education, and entertainment. However, a business wants to spur productivity but doesn’t exacerbate its weakness or threats while implementing. It needs to take steps on its guard.


Over the past five years, some key technology developments stimulated innovations within the ICT industry and helped deploy technologies into practice more feasible:

1. Cloud architecture distributes and shares machine intelligence that enables smart connected equipment and devices to work on an increasingly high level.

2. Sensory data with AI techniques make the Internet of Things (IoT) down to the ground and evolve automation and remote control. 

3. Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) has pushed communication beyond sight and sound. It’s now common to deploy in the entertaining world.

4. Fundamental technologies reshaped with the trends that help the network can be akin to the digital embodiment of an intuitive organism and handle vast amounts of intelligent resources. 

5. Advanced security provides novel identity management controls that are tailored for people and devices. Such as creating predictive security systems as opposed to reactive ones.


These technologies pivot toward the business and raise the possibility of a universal communication platform. 


In 2022, ICT is experiencing a boom. Because Cloud Computing became a go-to solution, 5G made the network higher speed for data transition, Big data analytics started to be more applicable. These help advance Artificial Intelligence and IoT techniques like Edge Computing, so “smart” technologies including automation are now riding on the wave. Gathering all these to harness for a better life and also speeding up in solving climate issues which need the next trend of technologies- quantum computing. 

Quantum computing refers to the quantum mechanics that the system uses to calculate outputs. A quantum computer does not mean that it can do everything faster than a classical computer.

Nevertheless, some areas related to our GPT trends can be impacted by a quantum computer. For instance, to handle the complexity of systems, and to transmit data with more efficient cryptography, optimize algorithms, and better machine learning & unstructured data searching.



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